Caitlin Funston
Feathers video for CaveofSwords
From their 2015 release, Sigils available at
Premiering at the Public Media Commons Artist Showcase, June 5, 2015
with dance accompaniment by Leverage Dance Theater! Come out and support local art!
-Thanks to everyone who has been a part of the CaveofswordS shoot, you've all been so amazing and integral in making this thing happen. Thanks especially to Eric J. Smith for lending me your expertise as my Director of Photography, and to Adam Newsham for capturing some great moments at 2720 (thank you Joshua Loyal!) And of course, thank you to CaveofswordS for allowing me the opportunity to take a little bit of your magic to make my own.
Check out the video, stills and extra bits of 'Feathers' ephemera below.
Leverage Dance Group collaboration for the premiere of 'Feathers' video at
Public Media Commons in Grand Center

Leverage Dance Group getting prepped for a dress rehearsal at Public Media Commons in Grand Center.

Still shots of the video

Photos of the video shoot by Adam Newsham
